Up The Mountain

And He said to them, “Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.
— Mark 6:31

We must be so careful that we don’t get so busy that we don’t spend time with our Heavenly Father. Do not even let the work of the Lord Jesus become more important to us than the Lord Jesus Himself. Speaking to a large group of ministers of the Gospel, dynamic young men in a very big church in Durban a few years back, I asked them a question?

“If the Lord said to you today: “I never want you to preach another sermon in your life, would you still serve Him with the same passion?”

Well, the auditorium went quiet... Jesus must be our first priority, always! Spending time with our Heavenly Father in a quiet place, then later on with the masses of people who desperately want to hear the good news. Otherwise, we have nothing to say! We must be careful that good works do not keep us from God works.

What do we always say - A good idea is not always a God idea!
First the mountain and then the ministry. First, time spent hearing from Father God, then the work of the Lord.

Do you remember that amazing Christian writer, C.S. Lewis? He wrote a book called “The Screw Tape Letters.” It is a fictional book about a senior devil or demon, talking to a junior demon, instructing him how to destroy the Christians. He says: “Keep them busy, take their minds off God. Let them go to church, let them praise and worship but don’t let them get involved with Jesus. Get them living a compromised life, don’t allow them to make commitments... Water down the Gospel, take their minds off God.”

Folks, we have got to be so careful these days, that Jesus Christ is our priority. That is why the Lord took the disciples away up the mountain. He saw they were so busy doing good works that they didn’t even have time to eat.

A very good friend of mine, Juergen Buehler, who is the President of the Christian Embassy in Jerusalem told me once, that he was 'shattered' when he asked a prominent speaker: “Are you having good quiet times?” and this man said, “I don’t have time anymore to have quiet times. I am too busy preaching the Gospel.” That is a dangerous sign, that man will never complete his task because he is going to 'run out of petrol', as they say. That engine will not run without the Holy Spirit.

Spend time up the mountain today and you will see that your day will go so much better.
God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan