
I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Thursday morning, the 1st of August, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. We go to 2 Chronicles 16:9:

“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” 

It’s a beautiful scripture but do you see how the eyes of the Lord have to go to and fro throughout the whole earth to find a loyal man, a loyal woman? Loyalty - it’s very high in the ranks of the Lord.

The Oxford Dictionary calls “loyalty” - a strong feeling of support, faithfulness, devotion, and commitment. Hebrews 13:5, Jesus says:

“I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

He is loyal to us. We can depend on God for He has never once let His people down. On the other hand, betrayal is a terrible thing, folks. It is a terrible thing to have to work through. It’s called a “breach of trust”. Now, Peter the Disciple knew that, didn’t he, when he betrayed the Lord three times. Matthew 26:75:

“So he went out and wept bitterly.”

Please don’t do it! Don’t cheat on your wife, don’t cheat on your husband, don’t cheat on the company that you work for, don’t speak to others about confidential matters. Be loyal, don’t be disrespectful. It is extremely destructive. Do you remember that movie, “Braveheart’? Do you remember that part in the movie where William Wallace, who was basically winning the battle, saw Robert the Bruce, the future King of Scotland, be disloyal towards the Scottish people, and was found to be on the side of the English? When he knocked him off his horse and he pulled the helmet off his head, William Wallace saw his future king who had betrayed the Scottish people, and he sat down and he gave up at that very moment. He was so devastated by the disloyalty of his future king.

I want to say to you today, don’t do it! The Lord is looking for loyal people that He can depend on, that He can trust, irrespective of the situation. Be loyal to the Lord because He loves you so much and He will never let you down. You can depend on Him.

Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,

Angus Buchan