My Brother’s Keeper

“Am I my brother’s keeper?”
Genesis 4:9

That is a serious question and the answer is a resounding, “Yes, I am actually!”

“And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.”
Matthew 25:40

You and I, this Sunday morning, have a responsibility to take care of one another. And it is so easy, isn’t it - to give to those who appreciate what you are doing for them and who also can respond in like manner? Not so easy when you do it for those, first of all, who don’t even know that you did it, and then secondly when you help them, they don’t appreciate it.

My dear son in the Lord, Anton Stoltz, one of my intercessors, sent me a little clip that is attached to this message and it touched my heart deeply. It is just a little lighthearted clip but it speaks volumes.

It describes a man who has broken down with his motorcar on the side of the road. He has got the bonnet lifted and there is smoke coming out of the engine. And he is standing by and just looking at it and the motorcars are just going past him, one after the other. Then all of a sudden, some good samaritan, that’s right - just like the good samaritan that helped the man who was robbed on the road from Jericho to Jerusalem - stopped to see if he could help. When he walked up to the motorcar, the man was braaing. He was barbecuing some beautiful food under the bonnet.

I just want to say to you today, you can’t out-bless the Lord Jesus Christ, I found that in my own life. The more you give to Him, the more He gives back to you. Today, go out and bless somebody and in doing so, the Lord has told us that we will be blessing Him. It is a far greater pleasure and a gift to give than to receive. I love giving out gifts and see people’s face’s shining. I also love to receive but it is far more rewarding to give, isn’t it?

Go out today and do something for someone who can’t ever repay you and the Lord, your God in Heaven, will reward you greatly.

Have a wonderful Sunday,
God bless you.

Angus Buchan