Love One Another

For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh.
— Mark 10:7-8

The beauty and the joy of marriage - It is forever!

We need to work on it. There is no such thing as a perfect marriage, we have got to give and we have got to take. Don’t let the sun go down without saying sorry. Remember, in the home it is God first. Then your husband or your wife, then the children and then everything else after that.

I read once Ruth Graham, the wife of the famous evangelist Dr Billy Graham, was asked a question. Did she ever contemplate divorcing Billy? Her reply was: “Divorce, never... Murder, often!”

Don’t waste your marriage arguing with one another - Love one another unconditionally. You know, the children just love to see mom and dad loving each other, it brings such security in their young lives. And by the way, so does the whole world.

I remember listening to a most beautiful country and western song, it goes something like this:

An old man was standing in front of his little house that had been absolutely destroyed, flattened by a twister, a tornado that had gone through the town, and a reporter from the local TV station was interviewing the old man.

And the old boy was standing in front of his destroyed house.

The reporter was maybe trying to get him to get emotional and the old man said, “You think you are going to make me cry, Mister?” He says, “You are totally wrong. This ain’t nothing.”

He said, “Sitting in hospital, holding the hand of the woman, that I had loved, my wife for fifty years, with her heart of gold, stopped pumping, slowly passing away,” He said, “Now Mister, that is something.”

I want to say to you today, don’t take your marriage for granted. Love one another, time is short - Jesus is coming soon! Love one another.

Have a wonderful day.

God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan