Spending Time

And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind and with all your strength.
— Mark 12:30

Wow - More important than sacrifices and burnt offerings!

It's like your family... You know, your family don’t want all your gifts, they actually want you. If you love someone then you spend valuable time with them, not just quality time but quantity time as well. Don’t keep on telling someone that you love them - Show them that you love them by spending time with them... And that is what God is requiring from you and me. To spend time with Him each day. If He is the most important person in our lives, not just on Sunday morning or at a midweek Bible study but continually. In the motorcar going to work, at school, on the sports field - It is a lifestyle. He must live in our hearts.

I want to tell you a sad story. There was a little boy, his name was Johnny and there was a maid that worked at the house, her name was Florence. Johnny was left with Florence all day long. Dad and mom were both career people. They loved their little baby boy and they wanted the best for him so they both went out to work and Florence stayed at home with little Johnny.

They left early in the morning for work. They came back late at night. Florence took care of Johnny - Took him to school, watched him play sport, clapped for him when he did well, made his sandwiches for him every day, read Bible stories to him before he went to bed, put a plaster on his knee when he fell and hurt himself. Florence loved little Johnny.

Well, Johnny grew up and he became a very successful businessman. Later on, mom and dad when they got old, they went onto pension and one day they were a little bit short of money so they asked Johnny if he could give them a deposit to put down on a small flat. Johnny said, “Dad, Mom, I would love to help you but I don’t have any spare money. I have just bought a house for Florence.”

Folks, don’t tell God that you love Him. Spend time with Him, get to know Him - He desperately wants to spend time with you... It is the most important commandment in the Bible.

God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Angus Buchan