The Fig Tree

Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see these things happening, know that it is near—at the doors!
— Mark 13:28

The signs of the times!
When is Jesus returning on the clouds to gather His children to Him? No one knows, not even Jesus... Only our Heavenly Father knows the day and the hour but we must not be foolish - all the signs of the second coming of Christ are right in front of our very eyes. The Lord uses the example of the fig tree... When it starts putting out new leaves, we know that summertime is on its way.

What can you and I do to be ready for his soon return?
Well, we need to settle our accounts with man and God. Get rid of all our debt, spiritual debt, particularly. Say sorry to those that you have offended. Ask forgiveness from those that you have hurt because when Jesus comes back it will be too late then. You see, the Bible tells us in Revelation 3:3 that the Lord is coming back, like a thief in the night - He will not give us any warning.

I remember, as a young farmer many years ago, I didn’t have very much money and very few farming implements. And I knew that the rain was coming. I didn’t know the exact date and I had a large crop to plant. I prayed earnestly, I got ready and I started planting our crop into dry ground, into the dust because the rain was going to come. We didn’t know when. Some of my neighbours thought I had lost my marbles because you don’t plant a crop into dry land. The seed swells up and it dies if the rain doesn’t come but by faith, I planted it in the dust.

Do you know what happened? After a couple of weeks, the rain came and it came with vengeance, it just did not stop. It was so wet that farmers couldn’t get in to plant. Eventually, when the rain broke and the sun came out, our maize was already standing waist-high.

We need to be ready and not afraid - Some people are so afraid of the Lord coming back... He loves you, He loves me! He is coming back to take us home to be with Him, in glory, forever. He is also coming back to settle the score. Pray earnestly for the doubters, the procrastinators and the unbelievers, because it is going to be a terrible day for them if they do not know the Lord.

God bless you as you continue to sow good seed.

Angus Buchan