Our Surety

I greet you in Jesus' precious name! It is Saturday morning, it is the 14th of January, 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

“Be surety for Your servant for good;
Do not let the proud oppress me.”
Psalm 119:122

“…by so much more Jesus has become a surety of a better covenant.”
Hebrews 7:22

I looked up the Oxford Dictionary to find out the literal meaning of the word, “surety”. It means a guarantee. It means to stand surety for someone, it means to take responsibility for someone else, for example, for payment of a debt. Now Jesus Christ is our surety and we believe, you and I, that He is the Son of God. I have a picture in my mind of what judgement day might look like because the Bible says that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, every single one of us.  

Can you imagine walking into a huge judgement day, walking in and seeing our Heavenly Father, the Judge of all mankind seated in the courtroom, and on His right-hand side, the Defence Attorney which will be the Lord Jesus Christ, and on the left-hand side, the prosecutor who will be the devil, himself? As we walk in, individually, we stand in judgement, the Lord God Almighty will ask us what we did with our lives. Some people will say, “Lord, I did this and I did that, I worked in a soup kitchen and I took care of the poor and the needy, I paid my income tax and I lived a fairly good life, I didn’t hurt anybody, I didn’t do anything wrong.” Our Heavenly Father will look to His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and He will only ask one question, “Do You know this man?” sadly, the Lord Jesus will say, “No, I don’t know him at all, Father.” Then our Heavenly Father will look to the prosecutor, the devil and say, “Take him away.”

Then the next person will come in and won’t have a very good track record because he was a bit of a heavy drinker in his time, he also got into a lot of trouble, he made lots and lots of mistakes, and he didn’t do many good things. But our Heavenly Father will say one thing only. He will look to His Son again, the Defence Attorney, and He will say, “Son, do you know this man?” and Jesus will say, “Yes, I do know Him, Father. He is my friend. He wasn’t a good man but he did repent, He acknowledged Me as Lord and Saviour, He honoured You and he lived a life of faith, and believing he had a complete life change.” Our Heavenly Father will say to His Son, “Let him in, into the Kingdom of God.”

Today, remember, Jesus alone is our surety of eternal life.

God bless you and have a wonderful day,

Angus Buchan