
I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Tuesday morning, the 26th of September, 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

We start in the Book of Proverbs 15:1: 

“A soft answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.” 

Then we go straight to the New Testament, to the Gospel of Matthew 5:9. Jesus says: 

“Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God.”

I want to say to you today that it’s a soft answer that stops an argument, and even as I am speaking to you now, I am totally convicted that it is not good enough anymore to say, “I have my rights.” When you become a follower of Jesus Christ, you have to, as they say, put your guns down, and you have to deny yourself. You have to prefer your fellowman, whether it be your wife, your husband, or your children. You need to become a peacemaker, with a gentle answer. Like never before, people are under tremendous stress and strain at the moment. You know the old saying, “Count to ten before you say something you wish you had never said before” - because by the time you get to ten, you probably won’t say it. Start becoming a peacemaker. The Lord Jesus says that you will be called a son, a daughter of God. Peacemakers are few and far between and I want to tell you it takes more courage to become a person who brings a soft answer than someone who continues to pound the table and insist on their rights. 

Today, when you go out, remember, the Lord has called you and I to bring reconciliation amongst our fellowmen. Just settle down. Don’t shout the odds too quickly. Now, why am I saying this to you? Because I am a chief culprit. I speak too fast and I listen too little. God gave us two ears and one mouth. He wants us to listen twice as much as He wants us to speak. As I am getting older I am asking the Lord to give me more grace, more loving kindness, because you know something? The older you get, the less you want to fight, and half the time, it is not even an argument, it is a misunderstanding. The person didn’t understand what you meant and now you are arguing over something and the devil is climbing in, boots and all. 

Today, make a decision - "Lord, I am really going to wait on you before I speak and if I have nothing good to say about someone, I am making a decision today to say nothing." Rather pray for them.

Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,

Angus Buchan