Give Him Everything

I greet you in Jesus' precious name! It is Sunday morning, 21st of May 2023 and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with thought for today. We start in Psalms 37:5:

"Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass."

Then we go to Philippians 4:6 and this is what it says:

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God..."

As we conduct our lives, businesses, our careers and our visions into the hands of the Lord Jesus, then He establishes our thoughts and He directs our paths. A man that has impacted my life amazingly, since I became a Christian, was a man by the name of Robert LeTourneau... There's a book written about him - Mover of Men and Mountains. He was an inventor of earthmoving machinery, and his start in life was very rough. 

He was a sixth-grade dropout and yet he gave his life to Christ and he gave his business to the Lord and he gave his thoughts to the Lord and the Lord turned him into a giant in Industry. He became the leading earthmoving manufacturer of his day - He patented more than 300 different machines that he had invented. He had factories on four continents, this man who love Jesus so much gave away 90% of his income and he lived on 10% of his income and was a multi-millionaire... the first man in America to fly a twin-engine aeroplane. Why? Because he gave everything to the lord and the Lord directed his path. You see, when he started off serving the Lord he thought, if he really wanted to serve God, he had to become a pastor or maybe a missionary. He went to see his Pastor and his pastor said something that changed his life - he said God needs businessmen as well! 

Robert LeTourneau gave his business to the Lord, he partnered with Jesus. Jesus directed his thoughts and his ways and the rest, as they say, is history! Today give your vision, and your career, give your business to God and He will direct you and you will succeed.

Jesus bless you and have a lovely day goodbye

Angus Buchan