I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Wednesday morning, the 26th of June, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
We start in the Book of Psalms 34:19:
“Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
But the Lord delivers him out of them all.”
Then we go straight to the Book of Romans 5:3-4:
“And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.”
Are you going through a rough time at the moment? Are you feeling like, “Lord, I just can’t go on anymore.” Well then, this message is for you. I want to tell you about three people who have impacted my life more than most, and I have had the privilege of meeting some very, very well-known people, famous people. I am talking about kings, yes, I am talking about presidents, oh yes, and I want to tell you these three people have impacted my life more than any famous sportsman, etc.
The first is an old lady who has gone to be with Jesus. Her name was Aunty Peggy. Aunty Peggy had diabetes and she had one of her legs amputated just below the knee. She struggled with blood pressure, and you know, she lived with us for many, many years in a little cottage on the farm. I want to tell you, whenever I needed some compassion and a good listening ear, I didn’t go to some specialist or to some supernatural theologian, I went to Aunty Peggy. I sat down and we had a cup of tea together and she listened to my problems, my fears, my inadequacies, the pressure I was under, and she just smiled, and she just oozed with compassion. By the time I had had a cup of tea with Aunty Peggy, I walked out of that cottage and I felt I could take on the whole world.
The second person is a gentleman who lives in England. He went to Africa and took care of disabled children. He poured himself out on behalf of those who could not pay him a cent. He contracted malaria, he lost his sight, but I will tell you what, I have yet to meet a man who has more insight than David. He is a gentleman and a giant of the faith.
The third person is a man who has been extremely successful in business. I told him the other day, “Martin, you need to write your story.” The man said, “What story?” I said, “Martin, you have a story to tell.” Probably one of the most humble men I have ever met, I trust that he will write his story before he goes home to meet with Jesus.
Today, do not be scared, do not be afraid of being pruned hard. When you get pruned, you produce quality fruit.
Jesus bless you and goodbye.