God Chooses...

A very good day to you, it is Monday morning and I greet you in Jesus’ name! It is the 10th of October 2022, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

“For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
1 Samuel 16:7

And then we go to John 15:16, one of my favourite verses. The Lord says:

“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.”

God chooses, not man - Our destiny is not in the hands of man’s opinion, no, it is in the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ! David was the youngest of eight boys and when Samuel came to anoint the next King of Israel, they didn’t even consider the little boy. He was only about 13 years old. He was sent out to look after the sheep. Of course, Jesse the father brought in the biggest, the strongest, the oldest, and Samuel said: “Not him, and not the next one, and not the next one or the next...” up to number seven. 
“Don't you have any more sons?”
“Yes, I have got one.” “Bring him!”
That was him, a ruddy-faced, good-looking boy with bright eyes. He became the greatest King of Israel, next to the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself!

Do not allow man’s opinions to determine your destiny. I know a young man, very well, and I love him very much. He was sent to a special school for learning disabilities but that same young man eventually went to university and he graduated with honours. Today, he is happily married, with children of his own. He is a strong believer and he is even a director of his company - a man chosen by God.

I heard a very moving story of a young man who was sent home from school by his teacher, to his mother. His mother read the letter and she must have had tears in her eyes, she said, “Come and sit down, Thomas, I want to speak to you. The teacher says you are too clever to be in that class so I am going to keep you at home and I am going to teach you myself.” That young boy grew up and became one of the world’s most famous inventors. He is the one who invented the electric light bulb. He had another one thousand inventions that were patented. When that man’s mom died, he went into her possessions and he found the letter that the teacher had sent home to his mom. He read the letter and in it, it said, “We can’t do anything for him. We can’t teach him anything, better to take him out of school.” That young man was none other than Thomas Edison!

Do not allow men to direct your destiny, that is Jesus’ responsibility. By the way, He is for you and he is not against you! Romans 8:31 - If Christ be for you, there is no man who will stand against you! Follow your destiny because God has chosen you.

God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Angus Buchan