You Can't Buy the Gospel

I greet you in Jesus’s precious name. It is Wednesday morning, 6th July 2022, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

Acts 8:20:

“But Peter said to him, “Your money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money!” 

Simon the sorcerer, the magician, thought that he could buy the power of Jesus Christ and he was severely rebuked by Peter, the Lord’s apostle. 

Matthew 10:8 says freely we have received and freely we give.

Preaching God’s word is not for sale. It is not a business. It is a calling from Jesus Christ. What does God require from you and me today? Psalm 51:17 says:

“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit,
A broken and a contrite heart—
These, O God, You will not despise.”

We cannot earn our way to Heaven. We cannot buy our way home. So what do we do? Well, we simply say to Jesus, “Thank You for Your loving grace.” The definition of “grace” is undeserved loving-kindness or unmerited favour. It was very difficult for me when I became a Christian. I was brought up in the old school and my Scottish parents taught me when I was a little boy - if you can’t pay for it, then don’t buy it. It was extremely hard for me to realise that Jesus Christ paid for everything that I owe, and that is why I love Him so much.

A couple of times in my life I have gone to a restaurant, sometimes with Jill, sometimes with friends, and I have had a nice hearty meal. When it came time to pay for my meal, the waitress came along and said, “Sir, did you enjoy your meal?” “Yes, I did. Can I please have the bill.” And she said, “Sir, it has already been paid for!’” And I said, “Who paid for it?” And she said, “There was a gentleman who walked out of the restaurant 15 mins ago and he has paid for your entire meal.” It is very humbling. Obviously, I was very grateful, I didn’t know who he was and I couldn’t thank him. That is what Jesus Christ says, “I have paid for everything. You don’t owe a thing. You can’t buy the Gospel.”

Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day.
Go and bless someone else.

Angus Buchan