
I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Wednesday morning, the 5th of July, 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

We start in Proverbs 22:21: 

“That I may make you know the certainty of the words of truth, That you may answer words of truth
To those who send to you?”

“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defence to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear;…”
1 Peter 3:15  

Sanctify means to make something holy. Consecrate yourself, so that people ask you for the reason for your faith and you will be able to answer them immediately. Be prepared for whatever people ask you. Always have a sermon in your top pocket to give an account of your faith in Jesus Christ at a moment’s notice. It is very important. Remember, if it's not inside, then it is not coming out.  

Years ago, I was invited to a wedding. A beautiful old couple who have since gone to be with the Lord Jesus, were both widows and they were getting married. It was so sweet, I loved them so dearly and the old gentleman phoned me up one morning and said, “Angus, could you maybe just say a word or pray for us during the wedding service?” I said, “Of course, no problem.” We arrived at the wedding and we were a little bit late so Jill and I thought we would just sit at the back of the ceremony, but they spotted us, and the ushers came and fetched us and we had to walk right down the aisle, right to the very front and sit with the family. Then after the MC had done all the introductions, we sang a couple of beautiful Christian songs, then the MC said, “And now Angus Buchan will bring the message, the word of God.” Well, I just couldn’t believe my ears! But the Lord was good to me. I had a sermon in my top pocket.

Often when I am speaking open-air, which is my favourite place, maybe to a very large crowd, I put my notes on the pulpit and a big wind comes and blows them away. Well, that's it! I need to start preaching. You know, they say, if you don’t strike oil within five minutes, stop boring. You need to get to the point. There might be somebody there who is coming for the last time, and they have said, “If I don’t get an answer from God today, I am going to end my life.” That has happened more than once to me because people have written to me afterwards and told me. Be ready in season and out of season.

Have a wonderful day and Jesus bless you,

Angus Buchan