
I greet you in Jesus' precious name! It is Saturday morning, the 19th of August, 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

We go to the Book of Ecclesiastes 3:1:

"To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:…"

What season are you in at the moment? Is it winter, is it summer, is it spring or maybe, is it autumn? We must learn to embrace whatever season we are in to appreciate it and live it to the full. We start with spring. Oh, spring is a lovely season to be in. It's the season for new beginnings, the time for learning. It is the time for developing your God-given skills and exploring new roads in life. I love to see young children, they are so excited for whatever they see. They are an inspiration to me.  

Then we come to summer. Now summer, that is when we are beginning to reap the harvest of all our hard work. It's the busiest time in our lives, working long hours - hard work but great satisfaction. It is a time when we have to build, develop, and step out onto the water. Summertime is a time of short sleeps and long hours of working. 

Then we come to autumn. Autumn is a golden time in our lives. We reap the labour of our hard work. The field is empty, but the storehouses are full of produce. Our children have grown up, and we no longer have to prove anything to anyone. We have got the T-shirt, quite a few of them actually! And we walk the talk, nothing to prove.  

Then comes winter. Winter time is a time when we are looking forward to going home to be with Jesus. It is a time when we sit quietly and reflect on the goodness of God towards us over many, many years. Its a time to chew the cud. Have you ever seen a cow? She goes out in the morning and eats the grass until her stomach is full, then she finds a restful place under a shady tree. She regurgitates all that grass and chews it, and enjoys it for a second time. It's a time to read lots of God's Holy Word. It's a time to speak for long hours with Jesus, uninterrupted. It's a time for looking forward to the most exciting time of our lives. It is a time to meet our beloved Jesus face to face. I want to tell you, I can't wait! But enjoy the season you are in at the moment. 

God bless you and have a lovely day

Angus Buchan