The Creator God

I greet you in Jesus' precious Name. It is Monday morning, the 21st of August 2023, and this is your friend Angus Buchan with a thought for today. We start in Ecclesiastes 3:11:

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end."

Then we go to Acts 17:23:

"...for as I was passing through and considering the objects of your worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO THE UNKNOWN GOD.

Therefore, the One whom you worship without knowing, Him I proclaim to you..."

Every human being knows that there is a God, a Creator, because you and I are made in His image and He has put eternity into our hearts. You see we are constructed - spirit, soul and body. The spirit never dies. The soul is your character, your personality. Then, you have a physical body. You see the cattle in the field, they have a soul and a body, but they do not have a spirit because God has put eternity in our hearts. People know there is a God. They've never met him personally and don't know his Name. There is no such thing, I believe, as an atheist - oh no, it can't be, because God has put eternity in our hearts.

They say Charles Darwin, the man who said that we are descendants of apes, his wife was a very strong follower of Jesus and on his deathbed he acknowledged that there was a Creator. Even the most primitive people living in the jungle believe in a Higher being, they know that there is a Creator. You can go right up to the Arctic Circle, the Inuit people will tell you that there is a Creator. You can go into the Amazon Jungle, and they will tell you that there is a higher being, they just haven't met Him by name. You know a beautiful scripture in 1 Timothy 3:16 says, and I'm reading out of The Message:

He appeared in a human body,
was proved right by the invisible Spirit,
was seen by angels.
He was proclaimed among all kinds of peoples,
believed in all over the world,
taken up into heavenly glory.

His Name is Jesus Christ. He's my best friend. I want to tell you, He saved me. Go out today and tell somebody that there is a God and His Name is Jesus.

Have a wonderful day. God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan