Shading Our Eyes

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Tuesday morning, the 15th of October, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

We start in the Book of Jeremiah 22:21:

”I spoke to you in your prosperity,…” 

I listened to a beautiful reading from a man of God, and what he said is, sometimes God shades our eyes from the brightness of prosperity. Sometimes when we are doing so well, whether it be financially or whatever area, in our family, even in our health, sometimes He puts His hand over our eyes to shade us from the brightness of the sun of prosperity, because when we are prospering we don’t see the big picture so often. We are concentrating on how well things are going, and then sometimes when that shadow comes over the sun of prosperity we can see the bigger picture much more clearly. 

So today, if you are going through a tough time, maybe things are not just turning out the way you meant, do not be afraid, the Lord is with you He allows these things to happen. I didn’t say He causes them to happen. He allows them to happen sometimes so that we can get our bearings and see the bigger picture. Let me give you and example - many years ago when I was a runner, we had run a marathon and towards the end of the marathon you are absolutely exhausted. You have been perspiring, sweating for 42 kilometres or whatever the case may be, the sun is beating down on you and you are really struggling. As you come through the finish line, somebody is waiting, a loved one, with a beautiful bottle of delicious ice-cold water. When you drink that water, you are totally refreshed. You don’t want any fruit juice, you don’t want any Coca-Cola, you just want water, pure water!

Now, it’s because you have been through a rough time and you appreciate what you have got. Sometimes when we are doing so well and prospering, we forget the value of things in life. Today, let us appreciate that God sometimes puts a shadow over the brightness of that sun so that we can see clearly where we are going.

Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,

Angus Buchan