Be Humble

It is Thursday morning, 6th January, the year 2022, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

If we go straight to Job 22:29, the Lord says He will save the humble person. 1 Peter 5:5 is the same scripture and James 4:6 says, God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. He will save the humble person - Always remember, pride comes before a fall. How many times have we seen an arrogant person brought low because of pride?

The mighty Titanic, the ship they said it was unsinkable... Never say anything like that to anybody and not to the Lord. On its maiden voyage it sunk, like a stone, to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. But God gives grace to the humble - That is why God loved Moses so much, Moses was a man who was so humble. Remember, humility is controlled strength. Moses was the humblest man that lived, yet he was not weak by any means.

Many years ago, I was preaching in Scotland. I was in a little country village, in the Community Hall. It was a midweek meeting early in the morning, maybe 9 or 10 o’clock and it was full of lovely folk, country folk. We were having tea and cucumber sandwiches when the organizer introduced me to a middle-aged man. He looked very fit, straight back and dressed in gumboots, a tweed jacket and wearing a deer-stalker, I asked him, “Sir, what do you do for a living?” He said, “I am a part-time farmer and I am a soldier.” He said, “By the way Angus, I have been looking forward to meeting you but at the end of this meeting, I have to go because I have another meeting after this.” I said, “No problem.”

He said, “I will sit at the back so I don’t interfere with the meeting.”

Well, I started preaching and sure enough, just towards the end of the meeting, he stood up, gave me a big wave and slipped out the back of the hall. After the meeting, the organizer came to me and said, “That gentleman that you were having tea with, do you know who he is?”
I said, “Yes, he said he was a soldier.” He said he is the Commander General for the Nato Forces for the whole of Europe, answerable personally to Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain, herself.” A soldier indeed!

Humility is a wonderful thing, go out today and be humble and God will raise you up.
God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan