Your Friend Jesus

It is Saturday morning, 8th January, the year 2022, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

“Now when Herod saw Jesus, he was exceedingly glad; for he had desired for a long time to see Him, because he had heard many things about Him, and he hoped to see some miracle done by Him.”

Luke 23:8

Without a doubt, Jesus Christ is the most popular man that has ever lived on Planet Earth... You and I, my dear friend, have an obligation to tell this dying world about Him.

Many years ago, with our little children’s home (That closed many years ago) just across the road, we had a little boy and his name was Thoko. He was about five or six years old, we weren’t sure because we got him when he was just a baby and he had been ravaged by some terminal disease. His little body looked like he was only about 2 or 3 years old.

My dear wife Jill used to read him Bible stories, his favourites were always about Heaven and what it was going to be like when he went home. I used to take my horse Snowy over to the children’s home often and I used to give little Thoko rides. He would sit just in front of me on the saddle with his little emaciated body. Towards the end, he was so thin that we would have to put a pillow on the saddle for him to sit on because the jolting made him so sore. One day he told me that his friend, Jesus, was going to come on His big white horse and take him home to Heaven. Shortly afterwards, that is exactly what happened. Jesus came and took Thoko home.

I want to ask you today, do you know Him as Thoko does - Is He real to you? Herod was so excited when he knew that he was going to meet with the Son of God. I want to close and I want to introduce you to Him, if you have never met Him before. Maybe, just like Thoko knew Him - personally.

If you would like to, please just pray this little prayer after me:

Lord Jesus,
I have read about You in books,
I have seen You depicted in movies,
I have heard people talk about You,
I have seen people sing hymns to You but I have never personally met You.
Today I want to meet You as a Friend, just like You were a Friend to little Thoko.
I ask You to come into my life.
I repent of my sin and Lord, I look forward to very soon shaking You by the hand when You come to fetch us, all of us, on that snow-white steed riding on those clouds.
I ask this in Jesus’s Name.

God bless you and have a wonderful day. Tell somebody about your newly-found Friend today.

Angus Buchan