Can You See Him?

It is Wednesday morning, 12th January 2022, the year 2022, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

“Then, as they were afraid and bowed their faces to the earth, they said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead?  He is not here, but is risen!’

Luke 24:5-6

He is not dead, He is alive - I am talking about Jesus, that’s right! Our Lord is not a historical figure, some famous person who used to live on the earth and is now dead. I can take you to Jerusalem and the Old City, I can take you to the grave of King David, probably the most famous man in Jerusalem apart from Jesus, and I can show you where his bones are buried, but I cannot show you Jesus’ bones. No, because He is still very much alive! In fact, this very morning, a couple of hours ago I was having a hot cup of tea with Him... having a chat with Him in my prayer room and that is not a joke - That is the absolute truth. I can honestly say it and mean it, Jesus Christ is not a figment of my imagination.

By the way, He also wants to be your friend today.
The many times He has been so close to me are not when I have seen Him move in great signs, wonders and miracles, but rather when I have been going through my deepest, darkest valleys. Times when I thought, I am going to lose this farm, through drought, floods, disease or due to the economy. In times when I have had a personal tragedy, He has been there holding my hand, calming me down.

I can hear somebody saying, “Have you ever seen Him?” Oh yes, many times. I see Him in the face of a baby... I just love children so much as I am getting older. I see Him in the morning sunrise, I am an early morning man. I see Him after a shower of rain on a hot dry field when the steam is rising, that scent that is incomparable. I see Him in a young couple who has fallen in love - Jesus is all around us, we simply have to open our eyes and our ears.

Please speak with Him today, He is waiting to hear from you!

Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day.

Angus Buchan