Taken Care Of

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Friday morning, the 5th of July, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

We go to the Book of Acts 1:3

“…being seen by them during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God.” 

Jesus was seen for forty days before He finally departed and went home to Heaven to be with His Heavenly Father. He was not in a rush to leave, He wanted to make sure everything was in order before He went home. He reassured His disciples, He strengthened them. He lingered with them for forty days before He finally went home to be with His Father. What amazing love! That’s how much Jesus loves you today, my dear friend, and He loves me. He really didn’t want to go, but his work on earth had been completed, and He had to go back home to Heaven to be with His Father, and He wants to make sure that nothing is left undone and that we are not left as orphans. He sent His Holy Spirit to come and to be our Helper. 

The other day, I was asked to take a funeral service, and there was an opportunity for the family to come up and pay tribute to their dad and grandfather and just thank the Lord for what he meant to them. I was so deeply touched when his son came up and paid tribute to his dad. He said that his dad had made sure that his mother was settled comfortably in a nice home, and when everything had been completed then he closed his eyes. He went home to be with the Lord Jesus Christ peacefully, but he had made sure that everything was in order for his dear wife before he left. 

Jesus has gone home but He has put everything in order for you and I. He has first of all promised us that He is coming back again, to take us to be with Him in paradise, but in the meantime, He has given us His Holy Spirit to be a Friend and a Helper to each one of us. What amazing love! 

Today, go out and love somebody who has got no father, no mother and reassure them that there is a God in Heaven who loves us so very much. 

Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,

Angus Buchan