The Greatest Councillor
I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Wednesday morning, the 10th of January, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
We start in the Book of Isaiah 28:29:
“This also comes from the Lord of hosts, Who is wonderful in counsel and excellent in guidance.”
The greatest Councillor that you and I will ever find is the Lord Jesus Christ, and the greatest Guide to lead us through the wilderness we are living in now is no other than the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no better guide in the bush than a local who lives in that area. There are no better councillors in the world than the grey beards, the men and women who have walked the road for many, many years.
When I was a young man and I started farming with seed maize, I had very limited machinery. I had a little two-row planter, and I could only plant two rows of maize at a time. Today, I see these amazing machines - they plant up to twenty rows at a time. These men will plant 50, 100 hectares of maize in one day. It would take me literally three weeks and longer. One year the rain just wasn’t coming and the time was passing by and I felt that my Councillor was telling me to hitch up that machine and start planting in the dust. Now any farmer listening to this would tell you that that would be suicide because what happens is, there is enough moisture in the soil to germinate the seed but not enough to get it out of the ground. It dies and rots in the ground, but I really felt strongly that I had to get started otherwise I would never get the crop in and I started planting in the dust. I think my neighbours were looking over the fence and saying, “He has lost his marbles completely this time,” but I carried on. I felt that the Lord was guiding me. I planted and it was so dusty that the drivers had to ask for goggles because they couldn’t see where they were going but I kept on planting. I got in more than half the crop and then eventually the rain came, but when it came, it came with a vengeance, it did not stop. It rained night and day for weeks but I had got my crop in, in time, and as a result we had a beautiful crop that year.
Your Councillor is the Lord Jesus Christ. If you read just a little bit before in this very chapter of Isaiah, He will tell you that the ploughman doesn’t plough all day long, and there are certain crops that you plant in a certain way, and there are certain ways of reaping those plants. Listen to Jesus, He will tell you what to do, when to do it and when not to do it.
God bless you and have a lovely day,