The Wind of the Spirit

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Sunday morning, the 25th of February, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

We start in the Book of John 3:8: 

“The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” 

It cannot be explained. We must believe it by faith and by faith alone so that no one can touch the glory of God. I remember it like yesterday, in Ein-Gedi, the lowest point on earth, the Dead Sea, in September 2012. It was a night we will never, ever forget. I was standing on the platform, reading from the Book of Acts, where the rushing mighty wind came through the upper room and filled all the disciples with the Holy Spirit, and when I was finished, I was so overwhelmed by the goodness of God. There was a huge crowd, maybe 5000 delegates from 80 nations from around the world, and I stood in front of the lectern, and you can see it - is on video, and I said, “Lord, please do it again, Lord Jesus, do it again.” And I want to tell you there was a wind that came. We don’t know which way it came from. My assistant, Clive, had to go and find my Bible. My Bible weighed about 2 kilos, and it flew off the lectern like a piece of tissue paper. The sound system started blowing away, the guitars, the drums, and the musicians were running onto the platform to try and rescue their equipment, and then when the wind was blowing at its fastest, it started to rain. Now folks, I need to explain to you. It doesn’t rain in that area - very rarely. There are no trees there; it is dry and hot, but this wind blew. It was the most incredible experience I think I have ever had in my life. Now, I just asked the Lord Jesus to please do it again and folks, He did it.

He loves you very much and He wants to fill you also with His Holy Spirit again, but if we look at the verse before, verse 7, Jesus said: 

“Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.”  

What does that mean? It means to make a new start. It means to ask Him to come into your heart and rescue you from the things of this world. Maybe you have never asked Him into your heart. I would like to pray with you now, if I may. Please pray this prayer after me if you would like to:

Dear Lord Jesus,

There are many things I do not understand. I don’t know where the wind comes from and I don’t know where the wind goes to but I do know that the wind blows because I can feel it on my face. Lord, you said we must be born again so today I ask you to come into my life to fill me with your love and to start with me afresh.

In Jesus’ name,

God bless you and have a wonderful Sunday,

Angus Buchan