Utmost Trust

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Wednesday morning, the 11th of October, 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

We start in the Book of Isaiah 26:3-4: 

“You will keep him in perfect peace, 
Whose mind is stayed on You, 
Because he trusts in You.
Trust in the Lord forever,
For in Yah, the Lord is everlasting strength.”

What a beautiful scripture! Then we go to Psalm 18:2:

“The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; 
My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; 
My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”

And then lastly, the Book of Hebrews 2:13: 

“I will put my trust in Him.”

Now, I looked up the Oxford Dictionary to find out the literal meaning of the word “Trust,” it said, “Trust is a firm belief in the truth, reliability or ability of someone or something.” Now, come on, who can we trust today? Very few, we can’t even trust ourselves, can we? Many years ago, I asked a very dear friend of mine, a lawyer, about legal trust. He said a legal contract is not even worth the weight of the paper it is written on because people can change it and abuse it. I said, “What is utmost trust?” and he told me a phrase in Latin, “uberrima fides”, which means “utmost trust.” So, in other words, if a man comes to you and wants to buy something and you give him a gentleman’s agreement, a handshake, assuming that he is a trustworthy, godly man, that handshake is worth more than any piece of paper. 

Now we come to the crunch, and the crunch is this - there is One who will never leave us, He will never forsake us. He has promised us that. He will stand with us when everybody else runs away. He will keep his agreement with us until death do us part. Who is He? Oh, He is the Carpenter’s Son from Nazareth. His name is Jesus, the soon-coming King. 

Have a wonderful day, 
Jesus bless you, and goodbye

Angus Buchan