The New Way

I greet you in Jesus' precious name. It is Monday morning, the 14th of August 2023, and this is your friend Angus Buchan with a thought for today. We start in Ecclesiastes 1:9:

That which has been is what will be,
That which is done is what will be done,
And there is nothing new under the sun.

Spoken by the wisest man who has ever lived, King Solomon, the son of King David. You see, he was absolutely correct up to that time in the World, but we always say: "But God" right? But everything changed when God came down to Earth as a little defenceless baby - Emmanuel, 'God with us'. A member of the governing body of Israel, a highly educated and respected man by the name of Nicodemus, came to Jesus by night so that no man would see him asking for advice from Jesus, the Carpenter from Nazareth. He wanted to know how Jesus could perform the incredible miracles that no one had ever before seen on Earth. The answer was something that this old World had never heard before not even from the time of Solomon, who said there is nothing new under the sun. Jesus answered Nicodemus and said, in John 3:3:

"... I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

Then again, in John 3:7 he said you must be born again - Something very beautiful and something very new! I want to tell you today that you need to be born again. It is a biblical term spoken by God himself - I was born again on the 18th of February 1979, 44 years ago, and my life has never been the same again.

I would like to pray with you this morning. Maybe you have never heard of this before, or you have, and the cares of this World have blinded you. You have forgotten Jesus did something absolutely brand new. He said:

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

You'll find that in 2 Corinthians 5:17. Why not pray this prayer with me and go out today as a brand new person? 

Dear Lord Jesus, I believe that the Bible is the Word of God. Jesus said I must be born again. Today, Lord, I repent. I'm sorry for all the sins I have committed, for all the selfishness in my life. I ask you to be my Lord and Saviour, I will serve no other gods but You. In Jesus' Name, amen!

Go out today and tell three people what you have just done. God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan