Pointing to Jesus

And a very good morning to you! It is Wednesday morning, 30th March, the year 2022 and this is your friend Angus Buchan with a thought for today.

“…even like the faithful witness in the sky.”

Psalm 89:37

Yes, the psalmist is talking about the moon, the faithful witness in the sky. Then we go to the Colossians 1:27:

“Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

We are to reflect Jesus, not ourselves - just as the moon reflects the light of the sun. So when you see a full moon, it is actually the sun that is shining on the moon and reflecting in the darkness to us. That is exactly how we are supposed to be, as followers of Jesus, a good reflection in a dark world. Like never, ever before people are looking for hope and they can only see it in us, as representatives of Jesus. Jesus said:

“And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.”

John 12:32

We are not to draw people to ourselves but to draw people to the Son of God. That is why the Lord speaks about His cousin, John the Baptist. He says in Luke 7:28, among those born of women, there has never been a greater prophet than John the Baptist. Why? Because he was a selfless man, John the Baptist said,

“He must increase but I must decrease”.

John 3:30

I think it was the great preacher, C.H. Spurgeon, at the age of 21 years old that the London Tabernacle was built for him, a church that could seat no less than 10,000 people. With no formal education, a country boy who spoke with a very strong English accent, but said, “Our purpose on earth is to make men hearers from God.” Not hearers from us! I am speaking to preachers listening to this message - We need to be so careful that we don’t draw people to ourselves, we must point them to the Lord.

Robert Murray Mcshane was a Scottish preacher. He died at 29 years old, mission accomplished - he started a massive revival on the East Coast of Scotland in a place called Dundee. When people said to him, “You did such a wonderful job,” he said, “No, no, no!” He said, “Rather than being an instrument of the Lord, all I was, was an adoring spectator.”

Oh, I want to say to you today, point people to Jesus and that is the best help you can ever give them. God bless you and have a wonderful Wednesday.

Angus Buchan