One Family

If we go to 1Chronicles chapter 1 and you can go on for a few chapters... It is the family tree of the Jewish people. And of the believer, the Christian, starting with Adam. But what is more important than that is to have our roots firmly planted in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

If we look at 2 Corinthians 5:17:

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”

I have the privilege of speaking, often, at the Feast of Tabernacles in Israel. It is hosted by the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem and Christian believers from all over the world attend.

I am talking about places like Mainland China, Russia, Nigeria, Argentina, Brazil, Finland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the USA, Germany and we could go on and on... They are all one family, united in Jesus.

I remember the one night preaching at Ein Gedi - the Dead Sea (the lowest point on earth, 400 meters below the sea, can you believe it?) and I think there were eighteen interpreters. You could hear a buzz in the air... all united in the love of Christ - one family! A few years ago Jill and I were visiting Israel and we went to the Mount of Beatitudes. It overlooks the Sea of Galilee where Jesus preached his famous and wonderful sermon in Matthew 5.

There were vendors with little stalls outside the church, which commemorates the sermon, selling fruit and curios. There was one fine-looking old gentleman with swarthy coloured skin and a beautiful white beard selling fruit. Jill and I bought some fruit from him. I asked him, “Sir, do you love Jesus?” And he said, “Yes, I am a believer.” And then I asked him if he was an Arab believer, or was he a Jewish believer. He looked at me with those lovely brown eyes and he said, “I am a believer.” I then got a bit of a knock in the ribs from Jill and realized that it doesn’t matter whether he is an Arab or a Jew - If he loves Jesus, he is part of the family of God.

Today, go out and love people - bring them into the saving knowledge of Jesus. It doesn’t matter what colour your skin is. Black, white or brown, if we love Jesus, we belong to one family - those are our roots!

Have a lovely day. God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan