Knowing Jesus

“Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.” And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” Luke 23:42

You see, according to the law, that criminal on the cross who was being crucified next to Jesus, deserved to die. Yet because he acknowledged, admitted and confessed, that Jesus Christ is Lord, he was given eternal life - Good people don’t go to heaven, believers go to heaven. Now, some people don’t like that term that I use but I really believe it with all of my heart. In this life, we have heard the old saying, “It is not what you know that counts, but who you know.”

I have got a picture in my mind, of the great day of judgement, where every single one of us will bow the knee and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Philippians 2:10-11). Each one of us is going to give an account of our lives, here on earth - of what we did and of what we didn’t do. Just like the parable Jesus spoke about regarding the sheep and the goats (Matthew 25), I believe that on that day of judgement, the great judge will be our Heavenly Father. Jesus, His Son, will be the defence attorney and the accuser of the brethren will be the devil himself.

When we come forward to give an account, Father God will not be concerned about the good works we did on earth, all the good deeds, how much we tithed to the church, how often we went to church or how much we gave to the poor, no. I believe that Father God will turn to His Beloved Son, Jesus and ask Him one question: “Do You know this person?” If Jesus says, “Yes, Father, I know him. We talk together, he has never been ashamed of Me, even when other people have mocked him in public because he knew Me and he stood up for Me.”

And Father God will answer, “Let him in!”

But if Jesus says, “I don’t know this man”, irrespective of what he has done the Father will say to satan, “Take him away!”

I believe we need to spend time with Jesus. We need to confess Him as Lord and Saviour. We need to confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts, that He has been raised from the dead and we shall be saved.

That is found in Romans 10:9-10. God bless you and have a wonderful Saturday.

Angus Buchan