Wait on the Lord

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Thursday morning, the 25th of January, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

We start in the Book of Isaiah 33:2:

“O Lord, be gracious to us;
We have waited for You.
Be their arm every morning,
Our salvation also in the time of trouble.” 

Waiting on the Lord every morning is so very important. It is a vital part of the Christian’s walk to wait upon the Lord, and it seems to be so hard to do in these days in which we are living, where all of us are double-tasking. We try to do two jobs at once. We are running here, we are running there. We are even running trying to do things for the Lord but we need to learn to wait upon the Lord. Isaiah 40:31.

Don’t run away from the only one in this world who can help you. His name is Jesus. It happened in the Garden of Gethsemane, remember? The only person who could help the disciples was Jesus, and yet when He was confronted in the Garden of Gethsemane by the High Priest’s soldiers, what did the disciples do? They ran away from Him. The Lord said to Peter in the garden, “Could you not watch for me one hour?” And he didn’t. He kept going back to sleep. 

You and I need to learn to wait upon the Lord. Moses waited for no less than 40 years in the desert before the Lord called him to go and release the Israelites from slavery. Joshua was the same. He served Moses for 40 years and then walked with him for 40 years. At 80 years old, he took the children of Israel across the Jordan River into the Land of Milk and Honey. Jesus, Himself, waited on the Lord for 30 years before He performed a ministry that lasted for three years that changed the world.

I have a high respect for disciplined men and women who can wait and not rush into things. There is a gentleman that I hold in very high esteem. He has an incredible track record when it comes to business. He started one of the biggest fast-food franchises in the Southern Hemisphere. He has built large churches, he has built schools, and he is a very sought-after consultant. He was on many boards as a director. Do you know what he has done? He has laid it all down to go home and wait on his wife because she hasn’t been well. He has laid everything down. I want to tell you, that man, in my opinion, the greatest thing he has ever done is to be able to go home and wait upon his wife and spend time with her and obviously spend time in the presence of God every single morning.

Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,

Angus Buchan