Write Your Book

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Sunday morning, the 28th of May, 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

We go to the Gospel of John 1:1-3

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. (That's Jesus). All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.”

I want to say to you today, that you need to write that book, you need to write that diary, you need to make that account - the powerful written word! There is nothing stronger than that. You know, you might be sitting there saying, “I always wanted to write a book but I have never had the courage to do it. I want to encourage you today to write that book. You say, “My spelling is not too good!” Don’t worry about the spelling as long as the Spirit is in it. Why? Because you will bless others, you will bless your family and those who come after you. Who knows, you might even bless the whole world. The word of God, the Bible, is still the most popular book on earth. Do you know that they cannot print enough Bibles, even now, and it is in so many languages?  

I read the life story of a young man by the name of David Brainerd. David Brainerd lived in the 1700s in the USA. He went to Yale University but eventually, he was dismissed from the university because of some things that he said, and they would not let him back. It broke his heart, but he went out into the forests, into the wild, and he started to preach the Gospel to the First Nation people, and he was a young man, not even 24 years old. He slept in the snow. He succumbed to all kinds of physical pressures but he carried on.  

David Brainerd started writing all his experiences in a diary and he wrote more than a dozen of those diaries. No-one knew about him and when he was 29 years old, he got TB and died, virtually an unknown person. Jonathan Edwards, who God used to start a great revival in the USA, got hold of those diaries and printed them out. Do you know that those diaries influenced men of God of the calibre of William Carey, who took the Gospel to India; John Wesley who was instrumental in starting one of the biggest revivals on earth; Robert Murray McShane, who also died at 29 years old and started a massive revival in Dundee, Scotland; Jim Elliot, remember the martyr that died for his faith in the Amazon Jungle; Henry Martin and many others.

I want to say to you today, write your book. John Bunyan wrote The Pilgrim’s Progress. It is probably the most popular book next to the Bible itself. Just do it and God will honour you.

Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day.

Angus Buchan