Doers of The Word

Now behold, there was a man named Joseph, a council member, a good and just man.
— Luke 23:50

Yes, I am speaking about Joseph of Arimathea - The man who took the body of Jesus Christ off the cross and buried it. He was a council member. A member of the Sanhedrin, the governing body of Israel in those days. He was also a businessman, he was also a rich man.

But he was a quiet man who just got on with the work... No noise, no fanfare - a worker! He didn’t even want to be noticed or receive any accolades. He just did the job and he put his money where his mouth was.

These men and women of God are literally worth their weight in gold to the ministry.

“But be doers of the word.”
James 1:22

He was an unknown man and yet he is recorded in all the four gospels but I guarantee that you will see him, very clearly, when you get to Heaven.

I know a man who built toilets, with his machinery and his team of workers, for the Mighty Men Conferences on our farm. I am talking about toilets to accommodate up to 400,000 men. Nobody knows his name but Jesus knows his name. I know a young businessman, very young, who put one million rand in the kitty for a National Prayer Meeting in South Africa. His father did not even know that he had done that. I know a man who flies me all around this country in his aeroplanes and helicopters and he does not want to be known by anyone. I know of two old ladies, pensioners who have gone to be with Jesus, who travelled with me for years. Sitting quietly in the background, in the back of those halls and stadiums, just praying for the Lord to use me.

I want to say to you that there are a lot of people who you and I don’t even know about but we will know about them in Heaven, one day. There is a very successful businessman who has taken it upon himself to accompany me wherever I preach in the world, at his own expense and there are countless others who have made these gigantic meetings possible.

I am thinking especially of my very own family - my wife and my children... Their reward, just like that of Joseph, waits for them in Heaven.

Go out today and be a doer of God’s Holy Word!
God bless you.

Angus Buchan