God of Miracles

And it happened when He was in a certain city, that behold, a man who was full of leprosy saw Jesus; and he fell on his face and implored Him, saying, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.”

Then He put out His hand and touched him, saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” Immediately the leprosy left him.
— Luke 5:12-13

One genuine miracle is worth a thousand sermons - That is what we say at Shalom. You know Jesus is still the same today.

He is the same yesterday, today and forevermore.
Hebrews 13:8

Jesus was known more for His incredible miracles than what He preached. I only know of one sermon - the sermon on the mount. It was His miracle-working power that drew the multitudes to Him. I remember right here on this farm, Shalom, many years ago, one evening there was a tremendous thunder and lightning storm. The rain was pouring down as we were having supper in our little house. All of a sudden, I looked out of the window and there were a whole crowd of women with blankets over them and they were shouting. I ran outside: “What is wrong?”

And they said, “There is a woman who has been struck by lightning, she is lying in the hut and she is dead. Please come and help.”

I took the pick-up and we drove as quickly as we could up to that hut, a genuine old Zulu thatched hut. Lying there in the middle of the floor was a blanket covering a corpse. Now I don’t know whether she was dead or not but they told me she was dead, she had been struck by lightning.

Now, you know I used to speak to them and preach to these people about the miracle-working power of Jesus, they were very sceptical but now you see, they were desperate and they knew there was no other way. They asked me to please pray that Jesus would raise her. I wasn’t too keen to do that, I will be honest with you, I said: “Let’s just take the body to the mortuary.” They said: “No, we want you to pray. You keep telling us about this miracle-working God of yours.”

Well, I went in and I laid my hands on the body. I prayed a simple prayer.

I said, “Please Lord, show Your glory!” And I stood up and nothing happened. I felt the Holy Spirit say, “Pray once more.” I laid my hands on her. I prayed a second time and then I lifted her by her wrists and stood her on her feet and she was totally and completely healed.

Well, I want to tell you after that day I didn’t have to do any more preaching. They were singing hymns in the fields. They were praising the name of Jesus Christ, the Miracle-worker! No more questions after that - just praising the Lord!

Go out today and lay your hands upon the sick and pray the prayer of faith and trust God for a miracle.
God bless you.

Angus Buchan