He Has Carried Me

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What Grace, (Undeserved loving kindness, unmerited favour) truly, what love I have received from a most patient and loving God. 

Reading the Bible early this beautiful morning in Isaiah 46:3-4, Jesus has reminded me yet once again how He has carried me through all these years, faithfully, yes, through the rough times and through the smooth times!

Father God says, from my birth seventy years ago He has upheld me, and He is still carrying me even to a gray old head, He has promised to carry me, and to deliver me!

And He shall do it for you too my dear friend if you will only but put your trust in Jesus. The best insurance policy you could ever invest in.

Polycarp was told by the Roman Consul, to deny His faith in Christ, and to swear by the divinity of Caesar and he would let Polycarp live. The old Saint's reply was, "Eighty six years I have served Jesus and He has done me no wrong - how can I blaspheme my King who has saved me?". And with that remark He died a Martyr's death.

Like Paul the Apostle we can confidently say, "For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Philippians 1 :21). Therefore you cannot frighten a Christian with Heaven.

God Bless,
Angus and Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan