The Urgency of The Hour
As I write to you this morning there is a tremendous urgency in my spirit man. People desperately need the Lord Jesus.
In Matthew 24:14 (KJV) Jesus says: "And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the World for a witness unto all Nations; and then shall the end come".
Nobody deserves to hear the Gospel twice until the World has heard it once!
The Lord did not say that He is coming back when all of mankind is saved, no - He said that He is returning when all of mankind has heard the Gospel. My dear friend, God's Holy Word is to be completely trusted, and followed. Because Jesus clearly states that: "Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away" Matthew 24:35 (KJV).
This mandate from God is not only for Evangelists, but for every single Believer, whether they be students, nursing mothers, sportsmen, teachers, farmers, politicians, school children or old-age pensioners.
“And unto them that look for Him shall He appear a second time.”
God Bless you, as you faithfully blow the trumpet and warn the people,
Angus and Jill Buchan.