God Incarnate
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us, what an incredibly powerful testimony.”
Again in 1 John 1: 1-4, the disciples state that they actually touched Jesus, saw Him with their fleshly eyes, and heard Him speak with their very ears. Therefore Jesus Christ is the Word, and all that is in the Holy Bible is Jesus Christ in print. Once you have met Him personally, nothing else will ever suffice! You will never be satisfied again.
What an incredibly charismatic personality Jesus is. Remember the Mount of transfiguration, the disciples didn’t want to leave that place. They wanted to build booths and to remain there, on the mountain top with the Lord.
Even the Apostle Paul said in Philippians 3:10: “that I may know Him…”. Paul had encountered the King already on the road to Damascus, but wanted a much more intimate relationship with The Messiah. Once you really meet Jesus He is just so very contagious. The more you know Him, the more you want to be with Him and to tell the whole World about Him.
We follow after a “Man”, and not a religion! Jesus is so much more than a friend, more than a confidant, a hero, a Saviour. He is God incarnate, and the word incarnate literally means: God in human form.
Let us today love, honour, and respect Him for truly, my dear friend, Jesus Christ is so worthy of this great honour!
God bless,
Angus and Jill Buchan.