Behold the Man
John 19:5
That was the statement made by the Roman Governor Pontus Pilate when he presented our blessed Saviour Jesus, to the howling, bloodthirsty mob screaming for his crucifixion.
He had been totally ridiculed by the soldiers from the Roman garrison. They slapped His beautiful face and tore out his beard. They crowned Him with crude, piercing thorns and then put a purple robe around His broken back. He had been whipped to such a degree that it literally looked like a ploughed field!
What do you and I see this day - an imposter, of whom the crowd said, “kill Him"? Or do we see the Darling of creation being brutally humiliated by the powers of darkness, the devil himself?
Behold the Man
I see someone who saved me from eternal damnation, who loves me so much He was prepared to take all the humiliation from this world upon his shoulders - in fact, to die in my place.
“Greater love has no one than this than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”
And so, we behold the greatest human being that has ever, or ever will, walk on this Earth.
The wonderful news is that he is coming back again very, very soon. But this time not as a broken, beaten man but as the Son of the living God, in all His beautiful glory to take us home with Him to Heaven. And we say with John the Apostle: "Come Lord Jesus".
God Bless,
Angus and Jill Buchan.