The Complete Family
In 2003 God called me to mentor men because of the acute shortage of spiritual fathers in the world!
And faithfully, we have been doing this since 2004 and if you see the accompanying photographs, you will see the desperate need for men to be mentored.
With the current onslaught on manhood, I really feel it is so important for us to feed the sheep. (John 21:17)
As I have said countless times before, I have no problem with loving my wife, my best friend, loving my daughters or with respecting the place of the women in the home and in the world.
However, at the moment, I really feel there is a tremendous need to encourage and uplift men. To honour them as God’s creation, to head up and to lead their households, to father and to be an example to their children. To love their wives and to take full responsibility for the safety, the upkeep and the position in the home.
Some young men have forgotten, or have never been taught, what their responsibility is in the home and as a result they have abdicated and are frustrated - and in some cases are totally disillusioned.
I really believe it is time for men to take their rightful place as prophet, priest and king. It is happening right now, as I write this letter, all over our nation. Already this year, I have had the privilege of meeting thousands of men in the Eastern Cape, the Eastern Free State and in the Northern Province at Mighty Men’s Conferences.
Please pray for the men in our midst. Pray that they will not be downtrodden and get blamed for every single thing that seems to go wrong. Pray for them to stop apologising for being men.
God made men and He made women differently on purpose, so that they could complete the family circle. We find it in the Bible from the Book of Genesis, right through to the Book of Revelation. I praise God for His creation and His heavenly order.
By His grace and by the power that He has given me, right up until the day that He calls me to Heaven, I will continue to encourage men to stand up and to take their full responsibility and God-given place in society.
God bless,
Angus & Jill Buchan
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of a man
The things which God has Prepared for those who love Him.”