MMC Canada

The final meeting on Sunday, of the first Mighty Men Conference in Canada, was exceptional.

Again, the Holy Spirit visited us, reminding us in a such special way of the importance of the family unit. To see moms and dads, boys and girls, together under God’s beautiful sky, was something I will never forget.

It was the love and the presence of God and we spoke about the importance of order in the family starting with husbands loving their wives unconditionally, just like Christ loved the church. Then, challenging wives to respect and to submit to their husbands, as unto The Lord.

And finally, a challenge to children to respect and honour their parents because it is the first commandment in the Bible, with a promise added to it: "Honour your father and mother so that your days may be long in the land." We also challenged parents not to antagonise their children.

It was an incredible event - there was joy and there was freedom.

Men had dealt with lots of issues, starting on Friday night and going on to Saturday morning. Then on Saturday night, there was a cleansing and an absolute peace, like I have rarely experienced. At the end of the service, we prayed and asked the families to stand together, husbands, wives, children and loved ones. We prayed a prayer of commitment. Recommitting our lives and families, principles and values to the Lord.

It was a moving experience. We know that even as some people are closing the door to keep the devil out, he is walking straight in through the back door, the kitchen door, to cause havoc. I really believe that this will change, as the families start to adopt the Word of God as their principle, their compass for running their families in a godly manner.

MMC Canada 2019

God spoke to me very clearly yesterday morning, in my quiet time, to remind me that we cannot stay on top of the mountain. We have to return to the valley where the people are. Even as Peter wanted to build three tabernacles on the Mount of Transfiguration for The Lord, The Lord cautioned him and reminded him that he had a work to do in the valleys, and so do we. We thank God for what happened and we pray for them to continue to shine as lights, especially in the workplace.

So now as we pack up and move along, we thank God for His faithfulness. Please continue to pray for Jeff and Marilyn Zak and their family, that they would stand strong. Please pray for myself and my son. Please pray for Robin Mark and his son, David, as they return to Northern Ireland, to Belfast - often, after a mountain top experience like we have had, there is the possibility of an anticlimax.

We've had some testing times but it wouldn’t be normal if we didn't. If the devil has nothing to say about it then obviously we have made no impact whatsoever. I can tell you that the battle was fierce at the time but by the grace of God and by your faithful prayers and love, poured out towards us, we have become more than overcomers. We thank Jesus Christ for His love and for His faithfulness towards us.

God bless,
Angus & Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan