Consistent, Persistent Prayer
We see in the book of James, that the Bible tells us clearly: “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:16
I have just returned from the USA and have had one of the most powerful and productive events ever, in my preaching ministry. I realise it is due to hundreds of committed Intercessors around the world, praying for the event.
I say this because my preaching was no different than before. But the difference being, that I have never had such comprehensive, and consistent prayer cover in my ministry ever before. It was like the heavens were wide open - the people were so very receptive, with Amens and wet eyes all over the packed-out auditorium. We witnessed nothing less than Holy Spirit Revival.
The early revivalist, Charles Finney said: “Where there are no amens or no wet eyes, there is no revival. We witnessed both Hallelujah!
All of us, not just preachers, should be more concerned about faithful prayers than anything else if we desire to succeed in life.
Often people ask me, when I travel around the world, what they can do to help me. My answer is always the same: "Prayer, and more prayer please."
Everything else like opportunities, finances, anointing, discernment or power will automatically follow after the effective and faithful prayers of my beloved Intercessors takes place. I am writing this letter to pay homage to and to give my thanks and sincere appreciation to those who continually and faithfully intercede for me, my family and my team. Your reward will be great in heaven.
We see that King David was a man of great prayer and that is why he succeeded, in fact to this very day is still heralded as the champion of Israel!
If you are feeling at this time in your life that you struggle to pray, try reading out the Psalms aloud to Jesus. You will truly be blessed because most of them are David’s prayers to his Father in heaven.
So let us pray, and then leave the outcome to God!
God Bless,
Angus and Jill Buchan
“Pray without ceasing.”