First Things First

Numbers 32:22

We need to remember that in the Kingdom of God it is always His commands first - then everything else second. Matthew 6:33, we must seek first the Kingdom of God, that is every Believer’s priority, any other personal desires must come in second place.

Two and a half tribes (Reuben, Gad and half of the tribe of Manasseh) did not want to cross over the river Jordan into the promised land. They opted to stay on the other side of the river because the grazing was so special for their vast numbers of livestock. God agreed but insisted that, first of all, they were to go into the promised land with the other tribes and help them to defeat the enemy and then they could return to the east side of the river Jordan.

Priorities are very important to God!
There are certain commitments we’ve made to the Lord Jesus, then we have tended to wander off and have started doing our own thing. Maybe we've even thought it was more important to us personally - but God is reminding us today that we need to complete and to honour our responsibilities.

When we do our own thing, neglecting to complete God’s call, we are leaving ourselves wide open to disaster. Let us, today, be wise like the tribes of Reuben, Gad and Manasseh who helped their brothers to settle into the land of milk and honey first, and then went back to their people and settled peacefully on the eastern side of the river Jordan.

May Jesus bless you and your loved ones this week, as you put your preferences in the correct order.
Angus and Jill Buchan.

Angus Buchan