
The Lord wants us to tarry. Tarry is another word for wait and many of us are too busy running around. If we look at Luke 24:49 (NKJV), just before Jesus was taken up into heaven after the resurrection, He said to the disciples,

Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high. 

There are too many of us who are running ahead of God. We really need to wait. We need to spend time in prayer and in meditation. 

Meditation is not some eastern form of spiritual worship, it comes from the Bible and it is from the Lord Himself. Jesus often spent time in meditation and prayer, it means to wait. Many of us make impulsive decisions, I myself am guilty of that and sometimes it costs us dearly in the long run. We take the wrong road, we go down a cul-de-sac (a one way street) only to find out when we get to the bottom that we have to come back again and get back on the right road. We need to slow down and hear from God. Now Jesus told them that because He knew that they had to be baptised in the Holy Spirit for the power needed to do the work they were going to be called to. 

Remember, Peter was so afraid, he would not even acknowledge to the servants of the High Priest that he was a disciple of Jesus. Yet when he was endued with power from on high (baptised in the Holy Spirit), he went out into the streets and after his first sermon that he preached, three thousand souls came to Christ. You and I need to tarry, and the Lord will give us the strength and the Godly counsel that we need to fulfill the task that He has set before us. 

Jesus bless you

Angus and Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan