
So, because he was of the same trade, he stayed with them and worked; for by occupation they were tentmakers.
Acts 18:3

Paul was not a priest; he was a tradesman.  He had the opportunity to stay with fellow tradesmen, namely Aquila and his wife Priscilla.  There is a tremendous advantage in being a tradesman, if you are a farrier (one who shoes horses and works with horses) you have a complete part of society in which you can be an effective witness.  If you’re a miner, you’ve got an instant congregation when you prepare to go underground. People are prepared to listen to you while they are having a tea break or going down or up in a cage.  If you are a farmer, you have the whole agricultural community to be a witness to.  Do not despise the fact that you are a tradesman.

Many young men that I have met say they want to go into full time ministry and preach the gospel.  I have to remind them that they are already in full time ministry.  Not one of Jesus’ twelve disciples was a priest or a professional theologian.  Now I want to qualify something very clearly here before I pick up some rebuke, I am not saying for a minute that there is no place for the pastor and for the five-fold ministry, for Bible College and for a theological seminary, not at all.  I for one would have loved to have done that, but the Lord, unknown to me, took me on a different path, because he wanted to use me in a different area. 

When I gave my life to the Lord, that is exactly what I wanted to do, I wanted to give my farm away (not sell it) and take my young wife and five children and go to Bible College, but the Lord closed the door firmly.  My minister said to me one day, when you put on the dog collar, he had one, you lose ninety five percent of your contact with the man in the street. Because a lot of people think, and it’s not true, that a man in full time ministry is not subjected to the same temptations and trials and tribulations as the tradesman, far from it.  So don’t despise the position God has given you, use it to the fullest.

Have a wonderful day.

Jesus bless you
Angus & Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan