Faithful One

If we look at Psalm 89 (NKJV), it says:

O Lord God of hosts, Who is mighty like You, O Lord?
Your faithfulness also surrounds You

The one very special trait that I love about our Heavenly Father is that He is a faithful God.

Unfortunately, in today’s society, there are not too many faithful people walking around.  People have got good hearts, they promise you all kinds of things, but they don’t deliver.  We see that the divorce rate is sky rocketing, we see that companies are folding because of unfaithfulness amongst Directors and Managers.  It’s a sad case, we see how many young people are totally disillusioned with society because of the unfaithfulness of their own parents.

But we thank God for the Lord Jesus Christ who is faithful and true.  We love the Word of God.  The Bible tells us clearly that heaven and earth will pass away, but His Word will never pass away.  What He said He will do, you can guarantee that.  Today, put your trust alone in the promises of God because He will never fail you.

Jesus bless you
Angus & Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan