Dead or Alive

The Word of God in Psalm 85:6 (NKJV) says:

Will You not revive us again, That Your people may rejoice in You?

How we desperately need revival again.  We need revival in our own hearts, we need revival in our nation. 

I heard a very interesting comment from a man some time ago who said, there are many people who are walking around, whose hearts are pumping blood, but they are actually dead.  We need to trust God for the sleeping church to wake up.  The evangelist needs to preach the gospel, people need to be born again and then the church needs revivalists to revive the church that has gone to sleep. 

I remember many years ago, we did a big painting that I used to take with me when I was preaching.  It was a picture of a Sentry guarding a walled city, he was at his post but he was sound asleep. All the people inside the city were also sleeping, because they were trusting the Sentry, the guard, to protect them. In the meantime, the enemy was creeping up on this little walled town and they had already put ladders on the walls and they were climbing up the walls.  It is a very sad picture.  We need to blow the trumpet; we need to warn the people and we need to trust God to revive the church. 

We have a responsibility as those who are born again to call the people in the church to stand up and to protect the flock of sheep.  Send your Revival please Lord Jesus,  Amen.

Jesus bless you
Angus & Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan