
Like never before in the world, people need love. Remember the scripture in John 15:13 (NKJV):

Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

Now that’s real love and with love goes compassion.  There is so much hurt in the world, so much insecurity, so much uncertainty. People need compassion, they need you to sit and to listen. They don’t need to be preached to, they don’t need to be dictated to, they just need to be loved.  We need to exercise the same kind of compassion that the Master had for us.

What always touches my heart so much, is when I think of how the Lord was hanging from  the cross in excruciating pain, spikes driven through His hands and through His feet, and He had a crown of thorns rammed on His head. He was bleeding, He was exhausted and yet He could still look down and say to John, behold your mother and then He could say to His mother, Mary, behold your son John.  The Bible tells us that from that day onwards, John took care of Mary, the earthly mother of Jesus.  That compassion is incredible. 

We need to put others before ourselves. We need to see the pain and the need that others have and deny ourselves and take up our crosses and follow Him.  In that way, we will be effective witnesses and ambassadors for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus bless you

Angus & Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan