
Have you ever felt humiliated lately? Now according to the Oxford Dictionary, the word humiliated means, ‘injure the dignity and self-respect of someone.’ Now that’s exactly what happened to the farmer, Job. He was totally humiliated and after he had lost his farm, he lost his family. He lost everything he owned and he was full of boils and sitting on the ash heap in the town centre, he was totally humiliated. And he says in Job 30:1:

But now they mock at me, men younger than I.

If we look at the life story of Job, we will see that he really went, as it were, right to the bottom, but he never lost his faith in his Lord. He says in Job 13:

Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.

And of course, because of his faith, his steadfastness, his honesty and his integrity, God restored every single thing that he lost and in fact, at the end of his life, God gave him back double of everything that he lost.  

We need to understand, sometimes going through a very rough passage in our lives, God is teaching us lessons.  I’m not suggesting for a minute that God has caused it, but what we are saying is that through it, if we allow ourselves to be taught, we can learn many things.  Just like Paul could say in Romans 5:3-4:

And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.

So even today, if you are going through a hard time, keep your eyes fixed on the Lord and He will bring you through and He will leave none of His children humiliated. He restores His own.

Jesus bless you

Angus and Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan