Love Edifies

In the first book of Corinthians chapter 8:1 we see that Paul says

“Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies.”

We need to be very careful not to put too much emphasis on knowledge (education) and not enough attention on the love of Christ.  Paul says clearly that knowledge puffs up, but love edifies.  One man of God said many years ago: “Education without Jesus makes clever little devils”. 

We need to spend more time seeking the mind of Christ, than the mind of many so called geniuses that are walking around the earth today. Because without the Lord Jesus Christ, we are doomed to go to a lost eternity, no matter how well educated we might be.  We’ve got to ask God to give us more faith to believe in His Holy Word.  To believe, by faith, that all things, all things are possible to those who trust in Him.

So today go out and yes, by all means get educated, but in the same token make sure that your priorities are in order.  First the Lord and then the education after that.

Jesus bless you 

Angus and Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan