
In the first book Thessalonians 5:17 the Lord tells us to pray without ceasing. In other words you pray on the move; you pray in your motor car going to work; you pray on the sports field before you have a match; you pray continually without a break.  It becomes a lifestyle.

When they asked Billy Graham if he had any regrets, he said he had very few. But one thing he said, if he lived this life again, he would speak less and he would pray more. Interesting coming from the world’s greatest modern-day evangelist.

I often find that if I pray before I speak to somebody about something important, God gives me a quietening in my spirit, and I seem to be able to think more clearly.  We need to pray before we make serious decisions, whether it’s regarding emigration; whether it’s regarding marriage; whether it’s regarding starting a new business, we need to pray. It must become a way of life.  It must be a serious habit, that’s right, a good habit, because it will stand us in good stead.

Many a time I have decided to do something and then I say, well let’s pray first. By the time I am finished, I realise that that decision I was going to make, was made in the flesh and it was hopeless, and it was going to go down a cul-de-sac, a one-way street.  After having prayed I make a serious decision and it is normally the correct one.

So today, pray before you do anything else.

Jesus bless you 

Angus and Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan