The Fear of the Lord

In Psalm 128, such a beautiful Psalm, and such a practical Psalm, we see the recipe for a happy family.

The Bible says, blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, that means to respect the Lord and who walks in His ways.  It then goes on to say that you will eat the labor of your hands, a lazy man does not deserve to eat.

It says that we shall be happy when we walk in the ways of the Lord.  Our wives shall be like fruitful vines, our children shall be like olive plants all around our table.  Then the Lord says blessed are those who fear Him, and the part I love so much, Psalm 128:6, you may see your children’s children. That is the reward of fearing God and walking in His ways.

Have a wonderful day today as you work out the recipe that the Lord Jesus Christ has given to each one of us for a happy, successful and a blessed family.

God bless you 

Angus and Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan