
The Bible tells us in Psalm 122:6 (NKJV)

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, so that those that pray might prosper.  

Jerusalem is a very famous city, it’s actually called the City of God. I really believe that the Lord not only wants us to pray for the actual physical city, but more importantly, for the spiritual aspect of the people of Israel and indeed the people of God. 

We need to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ right around the world, who are being persecuted for their faith at this very moment.  I think there is more persecution going on now for believers than ever before.  If we look at Gateway News the statistics are there for anyone to see. The people are not being persecuted because they are doing anything unlawful, nor doing anything that is going to harm anyone, but merely because they love Jesus Christ and they acknowledge Him as Lord and Savior.  The old saying goes: “If your faith costs you nothing, it’s worth nothing.” Well there are martyrs around the world who are paying the ultimate price for their faith at this moment.

We need to be praying for the people of God that they will not capitulate, that they will not stand down, that they will not compromise, that they will not water the gospel down, not for anyone or anything, but that they will stand tall. 

Romans 1:16:

That they will not be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation for those who believe, first the Jew, then the gentile. 

So let us pray for the Shalom of Jerusalem today and for all her peoples throughout the earth.

Jesus bless you 

Angus and Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan