
If we look at the Word of God in 1 Peter 2:16-17 (NKJV), the Bible says, “as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God. Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.”

Because Jesus Christ has set you and I free and has given us new life, new opportunities, forgiven us of all of our sins and given us an incredible future, life everlasting with Him, that does not give you and I permission to disregard authority.

It might be your father, your mother, it might be your school teacher, it might be your employer, it might indeed be the government of the country. 

We have to lead the world by example. Now we are not talking about going against the Bible. No matter who is in authority over you, if they are demanding that you do something that is contrary to God’s Word, the ten commandments and the love of God, then you cannot do it. However, that is the only time that you will stand against the authorities. Otherwise you must obey those who are put in place over you. Why you ask? Simply because God said so. He said so not only for your own benefit, but for the benefit of others as well. 

We need to pray for those in authority over us so that they too will hear the Word of God and be obedient to whatever God tells them to do. When we are under authority, it gives us a tremendous sense of security and peace. When we are doing our own thing so to speak (no such thing), then we are at our own mercy, our own destiny, which can be catastrophic. Let us rather adhere to those whom God has put in authority over us, whether it be our loved ones, our elders in the church, or our leaders in the nation. Let us submit so that God will give us the authority to be able to help others as well. 

Have a lovely week as you obey gladly (not with clenched teeth), the Word of God that has been written by man under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to benefit us in this short life in which we are living before we enter into eternal bliss with the Lord Jesus Christ. 

God bless,

Angus and Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan